Indeed, it does, regardless of whether or not you have to drag it tooth and nail away from the tremendous amount of work it takes to conjure it. Posters are coming up, and while in Salem I got a tiny bit of networking done. Just a little, but any news is good. We hang posters and have conversations, oh yes we do.
     After all this time spent reaching as many people as I can, I find I'm still falling back on my closest friends. I enjoy that a lot. Getting together to draw and scan posters, brainstorm ideas and compare notes makes this kind of work fun. I encourage you to find some awesomely like-minded friends that you can click with sometime. The cool thing about these guys is that soon, I plan on baking a batch of cookies and calling everyone so we can brood over them and come up with more creative ideas. Posters are easy and incredibly fun, but I feel like I've forgotten my creativity for the boycott for the time being. It shall be retrieved and come back with a force greater than a thousand suns. I was going to be a million, but that's kind of overkill.
Well, not really. Watch out, Coca-Cola.
     Essentially, that's the update. I just wanted to take the time to put it into a blog post versus a status message so that I could bust out some whimsical language on you guys and turn a phrase or two. Maybe even make a pun. . .No, I'll let that go for a bit. I heard enough of those at the Youth and Government conference in Salem. Motion to hear more of the Senate President's puns? Saved by the arrival of the Youth Governor. Anyway. We're having a fancy poster my friend Sasha made involving giraffes that shall be on the website soon. Check back regularly for a poster that tempts you to print it out. I promise eventually there will be some that suit even your refined tastes.