Though this post is about two days overdue, it is true: the boycott has a facebook page. Now I can give short updates that don't quite justify a blog post (like this one) and interact with those participating, not to mention see some numbers. I'm excited, so thrill me some more, facebookers, and "like" the page here
Wait, I mean ribbon. Yes, I'm a little anxious about publishing the website, but I'm doing it today. It's taken weeks to put together with no tangible help from the outside world, and as much knit-picking as I'm going to do, it's done. It will serve it's purpose, at least, and the rest is dependent on my resolve.

Since this is my first blog post, I feel the need to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Josie. I'm operating alone. Me being dedicated to something that takes a lot of time and effort gets me in a lot of trouble at home. So when it comes down to it, I may thank my mother and father for my existence and making me who I am, but not for always saying "You can do it." (my dad likes to substitute this with "It doesn't matter." in combination with endless condescending jokes, but they tell me his heart is in the right place). I have more responsibility than the average teen, never buy clothing first-hand out of both preference and necessity, usually say please, always say thank you, and frequently tell myself that today, I'll be a better older sister.

Why does that matter at all? Well, now you know where I'm coming from. I'm not a mysterious being who sits in their air-conditioned room all day (only when I'm working on this website and minus the air conditioning) and conjures up strange walls-of-text out of thin air. Here I am, with every intention of seeing this boycott through to the last particular and very finish.

Being an amateur, I'm not quite sure how to get to the finish. All I know is that I can get there, and it's going to take my sweat, blood and tears. I'll be conversing with people one at a time, reaching larger audiences, and trying to convince people of influence that this really matters. So, with no further ado, I reveal to the world this blog, this website and this unstoppable force that is the youth, determined.